Welded Pillow Plate Application- Falling Film Evaporator
For welded Pillow Plate or Dimpled Plate, one of main applications is falling film evaporator. For cold side, the Refrigerant goes insdie the Pillow/Dimpled Plate; Water goes through the surface plate as falling film for temperature drop. After this cooling process, the cooling water could reach nearly "0" Centigrade without freezing. Such Welded Pillow Plate Package, we called "Falling Film Evaporator"

Application Fields for Falling Film Evaporator
◆ Industrial chilling of food
◆ fish, meet, poultry
◆ fruit, vegetables
◆ milk, milk products
◆ softdrink production
◆ production of baked goods
Chilling in the production of
◆ concrete
◆ chemicals
◆ pharmaceuticals
◆ Evaporator system for heat pumps at lowest water temperatures
Application and benefit
1) Water chilling down to 0,5 °C
2) Chilling of products down to near the freezing point, without danger of freezing it!
1) water down to 0,5 °C without danger of freezing
2) reliability
3) for polluted liquids like grey water as well
4) low affinity for soiling
5) open design
6) no gaskets
7) easy to clean
8) stainless steel completely, for salt water as well
9) durability
10) low refrigerant content
11) individual design if required
In the baudelot cooler the homogeneous falling film allows to chill water down to 0,5 °C without danger of freezing. The unit will not even be damaged, if the regulation fails and causes the building of ice. The Falling film chiller allows the operation with polluted liquids as well.
open distribution tray
big drain to remove particle:
removeable side covers
open panel system
Cooling power from 10 to 10,000 kW
Evaporator for all refrigerants, gravity-, pump-, and dx-mode, or for brine
Stainless steel completely
Method of Operation
Water is pumped into the distribution tray and at a controlled rate is distributed homogeneously by a distribution through onto vertical panels in an open system. There the high flow velocity ensures highly efficient heat transfer with a self cleaning effect, which allows the operation with polluted liquids as well.
In our cooler the homogeneous falling film allows to chill water down to 0,5 °C without danger of freezing. The unit will not even be damaged, if the regulation fails and causes the building of ice.