Plate Evaporator
Plate Evaporator is associated type of Semi-Welded Plate Heat Exchanger, rising film plate evaporators and are suitable when concentration and viscosity of fluid are high. Typical applications for Plate Evaportator are sugar refinery evaporation systems, sweeteners evaporation systems, bioethanol and caustic evaporation. It is also suitable as a thermosiphon reboiler.
Professional Design for High Thermal Efficiency
Its design provides higher thermal efficiency than the traditional shell-and-tube evaporators and because of this much less heat transfer area is needed. Plate Evaporator are cost-efficient especially when special metal materials are required.
its advantage is that they work also when the temperature differential between the hot and cold fluids approaches as low as 2.5°C (4.5°F) meaning that lower grade steam and more effects in series can be use in an evaporation system compared to the shell-and-tube systems. This saves steam costs.
Compact Structure and Easier to Maintenance
Plate Evaporator are easily accessible for inspection and mechanical Cleaning-in-Place by removing the tightening bolts and rolling back the pressure plate.
The evaporated Capacity could be adjusted or expanded by adding or reducing the Plates Pack which Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger couldn't realize.
Equipped with well-designed frame System, Installnation needn't heavey duty Tools, just a special light Spanner is enought for Installing and Fastenning.
Working Principle
The heat transfer area of a gasketed plate-and-frame heat exchanger consists of a series of corrugated plates, assembled between the frame and pressure plates, which retain the design pressure. The sealing between the plates on the Evaporator alternates between laser welds and gaskets, just like Sem-Welded Plate Heat Exchanger. It has two inlet feed connections located centrally at the bottom of the frame plate and a large outlet for the vapour and concentrate at the top. The heating steam condenses in the welded channels and the evaporating product passes through the gasketed channels.
1:1 Duplicated Model for Vap500 is available now, replacement semi-welded Plate Pack and Corresponding Gasket are under supply by enquiry.
Plate Evaporator Vap500 Plate Pack